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Painting 4 Penny

When our dear friend Penny Doerge passed away from NF-1 in November 2022, we decided to honor her legacy and create a painting program in her honor. In December, we painted frames and delivered them to Glen Cove Hospital. We also had a Valentine's Outreach and painted heart and butterfly canvases to deliver to Hospital for Special Surgery and Glen Cove Hospital. This initiative will be ongoing.

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NOSH Bean Drive

& Food Raiser

NOSH has an annual bean drive for the food insecure in our local community. DUO members will be holding bake sales at our schools throughout the year to raise money to buy beans for NOSH. To date, we have donated over 350 bags of beans. A one pound bag of beans can make up to 11 servings. Click here to learn more about beans.

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MLK Day Food Drive

On MLK Day on 1/16/23, we helped sort hundreds of shelf stable food donations and bagged over 1,000 meals for our community. We partnered with NOSH to help their cause of supporting the food insecure.

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Men's Shelter Dinner

The Men's Shelter in Glen Cove was closed during COVID. It recently reopened and DUO took over the kitchen for the night and served dinner to the men. The best part was meeting the men and getting to know them.

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Eddie Comes Home

Eddie Armstrong was an 88 year old resident of Locust Valley who passed away on 12/19/22. A few months before he died, DUO members Sammy Zarou, Henry & Frankie Doerge and Harry Woodhouse formed a special friendship with him. They would visit him because he lived alone and help with basic household tasks. The Doerge brothers visited him on his 88th birthday and surprised him with balloons. DUO had plans to document his many stories of growing up as the son of a dairy farmer. Sadly, Eddie became too sick and this project was put on hold. DUO plans to help in the planning process of his Memorial Service in spring 2024.

Valentine's Painting 4 Penny

On Sunday, February 12th, DUO members participated in the STJL Valetine's outreach and painted canvases for Hospital for Special Surgery and Glen Cove Hospital. These painting went to help the patients in this hospital, and put smiles on all of their faces. During the painting, we used valentines colors like red, pink, and white to spread out love to those lacking it.


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Men's Shelter
Community Share Board

Our goal with the Community share board is to share the life and backgrounds of the homeless men we have met. They came to us with the idea because they want people to see them for who they really are. They felt disconnected from society, so our goal is to make the people understand that they are regular people, not outcasts from society. These men don't have homes, and this often leads to a feeling of loneliness from society.


Men's Shelter Art Installation

We asked and the men answered. They wanted an art installation at the Men's Shelter. We only had a month but with some organization and lots of help, DUO members showed up. We relocated our Monday meetings to the Men's Shelter and got to work. Anyone who wanted to participate was given a large canvas, lots of paint, stickers and help from our group. The canvases are beyond our wildest dreams. We plan to invite members from our community to come for an evening to show off their work.

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Community Night

St. Johns of Lattingtown partnered with the First Presbyterian Church of Glen Cove to create Community Night Lights! An experience where community members in need, can gather to receive hot meals, laundry vouchers and social resources. Community Night Lights takes place every Wednesday from 5:00pm to 7:00pm and many members of DUO, play games with those who attend and accompany them during dinner to spread motivation and hope throughout the community.

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Meeting with Francis

DUO was honored to collab with Mr. Francis Kalombo Ngoy, Deputy National Director of Coalition for the Homeless. Francis is such an inspiring mentor and reminded us that the youth is the "epicenter of change in society" and that we have the power to make a difference. DUO is now stronger than ever, as Francis encouraged us to work together and work with civic leaders to build coalitions that will help us maximize our impact on the community. We will continue to learn from Francis and work with him in the future.

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Beach Clean Up

Our passion to help the environment led us to create our very own beach clean-up! As we picked up trash on Charles E. Ransom beach in Bayville, we were grateful to have saved the ocean life from the dangers of plastic bags and bottles floating around the beach. We acted upon making a cleaner environment for our local community, and we plan to do this again in the spring!

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Soap for Hope

To honor St. John's 6th anniversary partnership with Soap for Hope, DUO helped make 60 tote bags filled with common essentials for the homeless. Not only did we have the pleasure of meeting Adrian and Pandora Hersey, but we were able to deliver 20 totes to the Hersey house in Glen Cove. With the kind donations of items including, paper towels, cleaning spray, deodorant, toothpaste, bar soap, shampoo, laundry detergent, garbage bags and more, each tote was filled to the brim with essentials and delivered to those who needed them most.

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Meet DUO Jr! DUO Jr is for ages 7-10 and the first meeting was so successful and exciting. The next generation of DUO kids came together to learn what it means to "do unto others" and how they can be kinder to one another. They were inspired by all of the service projects DUO Sr has partaken in and started brainstorming ideas for their own events. We cannot wait to see all they accomplish and who gets the mini "can of" next!

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DUO takes on NOSH! NOSH is a local food pantry in Glen Cove, New York, that delivers daily meals for 600-700+ families in need, each and every day. When DUO found out NOSH needed our help organizing the shelves and setting up for NOSH Saturdays, we couldn't wait to help out! Please visit to read more about NOSH, their mission and ways you can help out! 

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Penny Rocks

Painting for Penny, Penny Rocks Edition, was such an inspiring event! Many members of DUO came together to paint rocks with positive messages and beautiful images to spread joy throughout the community. We painted these rocks in honor of our dear friend Penny, who passed away from NF-1 in November 2022. We will shine her light and spread her positivity through our rocks by sharing them with the Penny Doerge Adaptive Academy and decorating our Community Night Lights Thanksgiving dinner with them!

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CNL Thanksgiving Dinner

Wednesday, November 22nd, DUO is hosting a Thanksgiving dinner at Community Night Lights! Our usual CNL crew, with the addition of a few others, came together to decorate an inviting dinner and supply a comfort meal along with good company and resources including- showers, social services and laundry vouchers to families and individuals in need. We are so thankful to have this experience and connect with so many amazing people, it truly creates something magical for all! 

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Christmas Eve 

On Christmas Eve, 2023, DUO will be helping out with the Christmas Eve service. Between greeting attendees at the door, organizing the Christingle pageant or decorating the church with our Christmas spirit, we are looking forward to spreading a lot of love and happiness this holiday season. Please reach out if you are interested in becoming involved or assisting at the service.

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Men's shelter this March 

We are back at the Men's shelter! Looking ahead at 3/11/24, DUO is planning to meet with members of the local Men's shelter again. We were just so amazed to see the ways of the shelter and how hard these men work to build confidence and strength to pave a clear path for themselves and can't wait to see all they accomplished this year. Mark your calendars for March 11th to come along for the ride and hear some empowering stories.

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MLK 2024

This past MLK day, members of DUO gathered at Glen Cove High School to aid in the MLK memorial food drive and parade. We organized hundreds of cans and goods donated by local members of our community, which then were deliverd to NOSH. Additionally, we attended the ceremony to learn about Martin Luther King Jrs impact and legacy. We were happy to see some of our homeless friends marching in the parade!

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